(注1)是の年:洪武6年(1373年) この時の明の皇帝は洪武帝こと朱元璋
(注4)中書省:明の役所の一つ 皇帝の側近的な役割があったが、1380年に廃止
(注7)正朔:年号 この場合は明の年号と、明官制の暦による月日が文書に書いてあること
(注8)礼臣:明の役所の一つ・礼部の役人のこと 礼部は外交も担当
次にもう1カ所 かなり時代が後になります
(注3)五島:五島列島 この頃の支配者は五島氏のはずなのだが、後期倭寇の本拠地だったのは教科書レベルの基礎知識である
(注4)汪直・毛海峰:王直とその養子の毛海峰 王直知らなかったらテストがヤバイですよヾ(^^;) 養子なのにも毛海峰の名字が「王」じゃないの何故なんだろう
(注5)王とその相~:講談社現代文庫の解説では「大内氏の内訌を指すか」としている 大内義隆が陶晴賢の謀反で自殺させられたのは1551年
1556年は島津家の当主は島津貴久になっています。が、貴久の父・島津忠良も健在でした。蒋洲・陳可願は貴久・忠良の両人に対面できたのかも知れません。しかし、「薩藩旧記雑録(後編)」で、その辺の事書いた史料があった記憶がないヾ(--;) 単に読み落としている可能性も高いので、ご存じの方御教示お待ちしてます<(_ _)>
I picked out those related to Shimadu clan from MingShi and translated them into English (it is beyond my ability to translate them into Japanese).Hope it will help.Names of people and locations and some proper nouns are left untranslated for better comprehension.
The Ming rulers assigned 方亨 as the chief envoy and promoted 沈惟敬 as his vice envoy.When they arrived with diplomatic correspondence .关白 is annoyed with Korean princess not coming for apology.He just sent two envoys with silks as present.方亨 refused to meet with them and said to 沈惟敬:"Japan doesn't want to return the captured people and territory as what we expected,sending low-level envoy with poor present.It is a great insult to both Korea and China.I suggest we should just leave 石曼子 and hie army in Korea and wait for farther direction.Then we head home."
乃以方亨充正使,加惟敬神機營銜副之。及是奉冊至,關白怒朝鮮王子不來謝,止遣二使奉白土綢為賀,拒其使不見,語惟敬曰:「若不思二子、三大臣、三都、八道悉遵天朝約付還,今以卑官微物來賀,辱小邦邪?辱天朝邪?且留石曼子 兵於彼,候天朝處分,然後撤還。」
The central frontline was defended by 石曼子 stationed in 泗州.行長's navy traveled across the sea sending supply.Ming forces set a day to attack.However 李如松 was killed in the battle of 遼陽 .李如梅 was sent back with 董一元 replacing him in the central frontline.
It is reported by 福建都御史 金學曾 that 平秀吉 died at June ninth.The Japanese forces were considering going back.In November,清正 set off in boat first.麻貴 entered 島山 and 酉浦.劉綎 captured 曳橋.石曼子 led his navy to save 行長 who was intercepted and defeated by 陳璘.All the Japanese forces retreated by sea.
董一元 defended 石曼子 at 泗州 in the central frontline.董一元 captured 晉州 and then 望晉 and crossed the river destroyed the two fortress 永春 and 昆陽.Japanese forces retreated to defend their central command 泗州, but it was captured.Japanese forces retreated to their new fortress which was crowded by river in three direction with moat connected to the sea.Countless Navy harbors were located beside it. Two fortress 金海 and 固城 were built to defend it in both the left and right wing.董一元 separate his army into footmen and riders to attack. 步兵游擊 彭信 used a enormous bat to beat the fortress,which took heavy damages in many parts.Ming forces were attacking the moat and fences when the cannon exploded in their camp,producing fog and flame shading the sky.The Japanese forces took this advantage for a counterattack while their reinforcements arrived at the same time.The cavalry retreated first.董一元 retreated to 晉州 after them.The battle was informed to the superior.They executed 游擊馬呈文 and 郝三聘.信古 was dismissed.董一元 was punished and downgraded.After 關白's death,the Japanese forces retreated.石曼子 was eliminated by 陳璘.董一元 was restored to his old post and died long after that.
劉綎 captured 栗林 and 曳橋.The Japanese forces took heavy casualties.石曼子 led his navy to save 行長.陳璘 intercepted and defeated him in the sea.行長 had to abandon 順天 and retreated in a small boat.
Japanese forces planed to retreat after 平秀吉's death.陳璘 sent 鄧子龍(明水師副總兵) together with Korea admiral 李舜臣 to intercept them.陳蠶(明水師副總兵)and 季金(明水師游擊)also arrived with their fleet.Without will to fight,Japanese Forces had their ships burned by Ming Forces.Those who attempted to went back to beach was killed by Ming army on the land.Thousand of soldiers died from drownings and burnings.At this time 劉綎 attacked 行長 and managed to enter 順天.陳璘 led a converging attack with his navy and burned hundred of ships.石曼子 led his navy west to reinforce 行長, who was intercepted by 陳璘 in the half way.石曼子 was killed by 陳璘 together with three hundred of his people.
There is no doubt that Shimadu survived the battle in Korea.The writer should have made a mistake or the "Shimadu" got killed was his kagemusha just like what happened in the battle of sekigahara.What's more,it is quite strange that he is the only one mentioned with his family name translated incorrect.
The Ming rulers assigned 方亨 as the chief envoy and promoted 沈惟敬 as his vice envoy.When they arrived with diplomatic correspondence .关白 is annoyed with Korean princess not coming for apology.He just sent two envoys with silks as present.方亨 refused to meet with them and said to 沈惟敬:"Japan doesn't want to return the captured people and territory as what we expected,sending low-level envoy with poor present.It is a great insult to both Korea and China.I suggest we should just leave 石曼子 and hie army in Korea and wait for farther direction.Then we head home."
乃以方亨充正使,加惟敬神機營銜副之。及是奉冊至,關白怒朝鮮王子不來謝,止遣二使奉白土綢為賀,拒其使不見,語惟敬曰:「若不思二子、三大臣、三都、八道悉遵天朝約付還,今以卑官微物來賀,辱小邦邪?辱天朝邪?且留石曼子 兵於彼,候天朝處分,然後撤還。」
The central frontline was defended by 石曼子 stationed in 泗州.行長's navy traveled across the sea sending supply.Ming forces set a day to attack.However 李如松 was killed in the battle of 遼陽 .李如梅 was sent back with 董一元 replacing him in the central frontline.
It is reported by 福建都御史 金學曾 that 平秀吉 died at June ninth.The Japanese forces were considering going back.In November,清正 set off in boat first.麻貴 entered 島山 and 酉浦.劉綎 captured 曳橋.石曼子 led his navy to save 行長 who was intercepted and defeated by 陳璘.All the Japanese forces retreated by sea.
董一元 defended 石曼子 at 泗州 in the central frontline.董一元 captured 晉州 and then 望晉 and crossed the river destroyed the two fortress 永春 and 昆陽.Japanese forces retreated to defend their central command 泗州, but it was captured.Japanese forces retreated to their new fortress which was crowded by river in three direction with moat connected to the sea.Countless Navy harbors were located beside it. Two fortress 金海 and 固城 were built to defend it in both the left and right wing.董一元 separate his army into footmen and riders to attack. 步兵游擊 彭信 used a enormous bat to beat the fortress,which took heavy damages in many parts.Ming forces were attacking the moat and fences when the cannon exploded in their camp,producing fog and flame shading the sky.The Japanese forces took this advantage for a counterattack while their reinforcements arrived at the same time.The cavalry retreated first.董一元 retreated to 晉州 after them.The battle was informed to the superior.They executed 游擊馬呈文 and 郝三聘.信古 was dismissed.董一元 was punished and downgraded.After 關白's death,the Japanese forces retreated.石曼子 was eliminated by 陳璘.董一元 was restored to his old post and died long after that.
劉綎 captured 栗林 and 曳橋.The Japanese forces took heavy casualties.石曼子 led his navy to save 行長.陳璘 intercepted and defeated him in the sea.行長 had to abandon 順天 and retreated in a small boat.
Japanese forces planed to retreat after 平秀吉's death.陳璘 sent 鄧子龍(明水師副總兵) together with Korea admiral 李舜臣 to intercept them.陳蠶(明水師副總兵)and 季金(明水師游擊)also arrived with their fleet.Without will to fight,Japanese Forces had their ships burned by Ming Forces.Those who attempted to went back to beach was killed by Ming army on the land.Thousand of soldiers died from drownings and burnings.At this time 劉綎 attacked 行長 and managed to enter 順天.陳璘 led a converging attack with his navy and burned hundred of ships.石曼子 led his navy west to reinforce 行長, who was intercepted by 陳璘 in the half way.石曼子 was killed by 陳璘 together with three hundred of his people.
There is no doubt that Shimadu survived the battle in Korea.The writer should have made a mistake or the "Shimadu" got killed was his kagemusha just like what happened in the battle of sekigahara.What's more,it is quite strange that he is the only one mentioned with his family name translated incorrect.